♦ 8/29 林煒盛:爵士吉他心法



  • 爵士吉他風格介紹
  • 即興演奏的想法及元素
  • 吉他手(不限風格, 即興演奏音樂相關皆可,如搖滾、藍調、流行等等)
  • 爵士樂學習者(不限於吉他)
  • 音樂創作者

8/29(六)下午14:00 – 16:00(下午13:30開始入場)


吉他/低音提琴演奏家林煒盛出生於台灣台南市,台灣大學哲學系畢業,退伍後赴美國攻讀爵士低音提琴碩士,2002獲得紐約州立大學(Purchase college,
State Univ. of NY)音樂碩士學位(master of music),畢業後在紐約展開低音提琴職業演奏生涯,為目前極少數在紐約從事全職樂手的台灣人。

林煒盛在紐約曾與許多知名的爵士樂手合作,包括Ralph Lalama、Bill Mays、Bob Dorough、Joe Cohn、Bobby Porcelli、T.S. Monk、Lewis Nash、Eddie
Bert等等;演奏地點遍及美國東岸各大爵士樂俱樂部如Blue Note、Birdland、Iridium、Lenox Lounge、Cleopatra’s Needle、Small’s, Deer Head Inn等。

林煒盛並曾受國際主流爵士媒體All About Jazz New York青睞予以報導,2006年10月由名樂評Donald Elfman為其個人專輯”Gone With the Wind”撰寫樂評並給予佳評,而All About Jazz更曾於2007年7月選擇他為當月值得聆聽人物(Listen Up!)之一。

2014年, 因為兩年前在臺灣救援的老狗林熊寶年事已高,行動不便, 決定結束紐約職業樂手生涯搬回台灣照顧老犬,除了在臺灣從事動保志工之外, ,仍然繼續在臺灣從事繁忙的職業樂手工作至今 。

Bassist /guitarist WeiSheng Lin was born in Tainan, Taiwan . He began to study double bass at the second year of college . After one year , he was playing professionally with local musicians in Taipei .

In 1999 , WeiShengmoved to New York to pursue graduate studies at State University of New York ,Purchase College . While in school ,he studied with Todd Coolman and Dennis Irwin .

WeiShnegfinished his graduate studies in 2002 .Since then , he has been very active in New York jazz scene . He has played in many New York jazz clubs , such asBlue Note ,Birdland , Iridium ,Lenox Lounge , Cleopatra’s Needle , Small’s ,etc . He has performed with Jon Faddis , Bill Mays , Ralph Lalama , Don Sickler , Bob Dorough , Joe Cohn ,Bobby Porcelli, Grant Stewart T’S Monk ,Lewis Nash ,Eddie Bert ,Doug Munro,etc.

In 2006 , WeiSheng’s debut album “Gone With the Wind” was highly acclaimed byAll About Jazz’s music critic Donald Elfman .Also, in July of 2007 ,All About Jazz picked WeiSheng Lin as 2 of the “listen up” musicians of the month .

For thelast few years , WeiSheng has been involved in Animal rescue scene in Taiwan ,especially for dogs . In 2014, WeiSheng decided to move back to Taiwanto take care of the senior dog “Shiung Bao”,who he has rescued years ago .While spending a lot of time volunteering in animal rescue scene, he still maintains his busy schedule as a professional musician .